A Wonder Inside – The Heart

05. March 2019 – Text & Photo original by Diana

Did you know that …
The heart beats an average of 4200 times in one hour, 100800 times a day, 3024000 times in a month, 72576000 times in one year and … 5443200000 in 75 years. Five billion and almost a half! In a year the heart pumps 2592000 litres of blood, and in a life of 194400000 litres, the equivalent of about 77 Olympic pools! Can you imagine that?

The heart beats day and night without ceasing, sometimes faster, sometimes quieter, but it never stops! It does not need a pause for technical maintenance or oil change. It works, so simple!

Sure, as with a car engine, if you do not take care of your heart, it could be brake before its time … for what happens to a motor where you put in the cheapest oil and the cheapest gasoline? Or when you drive the car hundreds of kilometres pushing it hard without stopping or when you run it with little of coolant for you forgot to fill it in? It will let you down! It cracks! But you guys, you take care of your car, and you put in oil and gasoline of good quality. You make it sure you don’t push it too hard, you control the coolant regularly, and periodically do the technical review, don’t you?

But is it so with your heart too? Do you give it enough energy of good quality, by eating quality food? Do you offer it plenty of moments of respite when it can relax with you together? Being healthy, have you ever thought about your heart, with how much devotion it serves you? Did you thank it for keeping you alive and moving?

The heart is a wonderful organ! It seems to be the seat of the “I” because every time you emphasise saying “I”, referring to yourself, you put your hand on it, on your heart. Also with the heart you feel happiness and love; when you feel like your heart “explode” of happiness or “you love someone from all your heart”! And you see with your heart most of the time more and better than with your eyes, but unfortunately, you listen to it only seldom.

Yes, the heart is a wonderful organ, and it needs more of your attention! Not only when it’s sick, but also when it’s healthy!
Put your hand on your heart and press it slightly, so that you feel its beat and thank for its devotion, for it does such an excellent job for you. Eat healthily, use unsaturated fat, exercise regularly, sleep enough, mix stress moments with relaxing moments and laugh as much as you can, because laughter is medicine for body and soul!

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince