All posts tagged: opposites

The Seventh Hermetic Principle

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ROMANIAN The Principle of Gender: “Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles Gender; manifests on all planes.” – The Kybalion. The Gender Principle embodies the truth that there is Gender manifested in everything – it is always present and active in all phases of phenomena, on every plane of life. It applies not only in the physical plane but also in the mental and spiritual planes. Principle manifests as Sex on […]

The Fourth Hermetic Principle

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ROMANIAN Principle of Polarity: “Everything is Dual; everything has polarity; everything has a pair of oppositions; extremes are identical in nature, but different in degree; in duality truths are only half-truths; paradoxes can be reconciled.” This Principle is nothing new. We all know, we live in a dual world. A world where all things and conditions have a resting point, an equilibrium, and beyond this point begins a road leading to the two poles. (Read […]