15. June 2020 Story by Anonym, Photo by Diana
I remembered a story I once received from a dear friend, and which I, in turn passed on to another dear friend. This story I would share with you today. I don’t know how much you will like it or not, but I consider that it contains a great truth, which if we recognise it, our life becomes more comfortable.
There was once a king who ruled over a powerful and vast kingdom. One day he called his wise men from the court and said to them: “I want to make a talisman ring, and in this ring, I want to hide a message that can help me in a moment of overwhelming despair. However, the message must be concise so that it can be hidden in the ring”.
All the sages of the kingdom get together to find a short and appropriate message for their king. Each of them was able to write grandiose treatises and works but to hide whole wisdom in two or three words, to help the king in moments of cruel despair, it seemed a too difficult task for them. They examined, consulted, searched their books but found nothing.
Back then, the king had also an old servant to whom he had immense respect and was almost like a father to him. He was the one who had taken care of him since he was a child after his mother died. Seeing the king down, because the expected message from his sages was not coming, the old man said to him: “I am not a sage, I am not a scholar, but I know the message – because there is only one message that helps you in the most challenging moments. And these people can’t give it to you; it can only be given by a mystic; by a man who knew himself. In my long life at the palace, I met all kinds of people, and among them, I once met a mystic. He had also been a guest of your father’s, and I was the one who took care of him. When he left, as a sign of gratitude for my services, he gave me this message, and the old man wrote something on a small piece of paper. He folded it saying to the king, “Do not read this message, hide it in the ring. Read it only when everything else has failed, when there is no way out!”
And that moment came not long after.
The country was invaded, and the king lost his kingdom. For saving his life, he ran on his horse, the enemies followed. He was one; they were many. His path ended in a cliff. He could not return – it would have meant stumbling over the enemy that approach. To go further, it was no way.
Suddenly he remembered the ring. He opened it, took out the paper and found the extraordinarily precious message. On the small piece of paper was written:
“Everything passes.”
A great silence fell upon him as he read this sentence: “And this shall pass away.” And it passed.
Everything passes. Nothing lasts in this world. The enemies who were following him must be got lost in the forest, or taken another path.
The king was most grateful to the unknown servant and mystic. Those words proved miraculous.
He folded the paper, put it back in the ring, gathered his army again, and recaptured his kingdom. And on the day he entered his capital victoriously, there was celebration, music, dancing everywhere – and he felt very proud of him.
The old man was present and walking along the king’s carriage. He said to the king: “This is also a suitable time for you to read the message”. The king said: “What do you mean? Now I’m victorious, people are celebrating. I am not struck by despair, I am not in a hopeless situation.” But the old man said: “Listen! This message is not only for the time of desperation, it is also for the time of joy. It’s not only for when you’ll be defeated; it is also for when you come out victorious – not only when you are the last, but also when you are the first.
Then the king opened the ring, read the message:
“Everything passes.”
And suddenly the same peace, the same silence amid the crowds rejoicing, celebrating, dancing… and pride, and the ego was gone.
… everything passes.
The king asked the old servant to come and sit with him in the carriage, and he asked him: “Is there anything else you have to tell me? I know now: everything passes. Your message was of great help to me”.
“I have to tell you the whole message the mystic passed to me, and this is it:
“Remember that everything passes. Only you remain. You remain pure as a witness. The witness of eternity.”
You are the reality, and everything is just a dream. Beautiful dreams and nightmares follow one another. But it doesn’t matter if it’s a beautiful dream or a nightmare; what matters is the one who sees the dream. The seer is the only reality…
The one who sees is always present, all the time, continuously; no matter what you do or do not, the one is here. The one who has been there for centuries, for an eternity, waiting for you to become aware of him …
Remember the Witness when you are great, and when you suffer. Remember the Witness in any spirit – always remember him.