Month: December 2020

Silence Inside

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ROMANIAN As above, so below. As in heaven, so on earth. Like outside, so inside. It is an old hermetic principle that I discussed separately in another post. What I want to tell you today is related to the upcoming Christmas holiday.As I have said already, I reiterate today: To focus all the symbolism of Christmas on one single day of the year seems too superficial to me. For many, Christmas is a exterior holiday. … […]


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I’m a supernova. A neutron star. Pulsing, my aura of light travels through the Universe from one end to another. Here I am, invincible,Since everything I am, and everything is me. I knew the nothingness and annihilation. I burned. I burned my helplessness and my frustration. I burned the emptiness. I burned all things.I melted down and blasted solely to be reborn. A quintessence, a neutron star. I will entirely disappear someday to only leave […]