Get in the Box! Diana? NO!

03 July 2021 – by Diana

Indeed, I am a new coach. I have to recognise I still have to learn and practise to become that brilliant coach I aspire to. And my first firmly steps are already made. I can feel my clients and truly SEE them. I am curious, but not for me, merely for them. I do not question them to find more or to find flows in their lives. No. They are thinkers free to share those things that could help them explore situations and thoughts for getting more understanding and awareness. I am there for the thinker to keep the space safe and build trust, to be comfortable exploring those things they have been hiding most. I know I have all the necessary ingredients to build my brilliantness. 

And still, I am sometimes in doubt: to be able to find clients, use effectively the market tool you need/have to narrow down, precisely define who your client is and what are their needs, and attract them – are saying many experienced coaches and marketeers. 

This sounds like the clients are flies, and I am like the flypaper with my coaching practice.

I want to consider my clients as thinkers because this is what they rightfully are.

I was busy a few weeks thinking about my possible niche, trying to narrow it down, as the specialists recommend. I got some ideas. Still, I couldn’t find any internal resonance with any of these. It felt artificial. It felt like getting again in the box after I finally got out, like getting there myself and putting my thinkers there too. None of the things I was trying while niching seemed to be matching my values. The values are coming from my heart. They are representing me, and they are me. I promised myself solemnly I praise my values; openness, authenticity, honesty, speaking the truth, growth, courage, determination, vulnerability and last but not least, making a difference in the world, and share them with all my deeds and decisions.

I can perfectly understand the need for specificity, especially these days. It can work for some people, but not for me.

And you know what? I know there are people there who think exactly like me and are on the same wavelength. And these are the thinkers I CAN support, inspire, challenge to grow and help themselves, to move further and to be CREATORS of their own lives.